Andy Irvine’s 80th Birthday Concert
8:00 pm
Vicar Street
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Foggy Notions have announced Andy Irvine’s 80th Birthday celebration at Vicar Street on 20th June.

Irvine has been at the helm of legendary bands like Sweeney’s Men in the mid 60s, to the enormous success of Planxty in the 70s, and then Patrick Street, Mozaik, LAPD and recently Usher’s Island.

In 1977 he made what is widely considered one of the greatest folk albums of all-time with Paul Brady.

Irvine will be joined by a hall-of-fame line-up of collaborators from around the world for this momentous occasion including Paul Brady, Dónal Lunny, Paddy Glackin, John Doyle, Mike McGoldrick, Bruce Molsky, Rens Van Der Zalm, Chrysoula K, Nikola Parov and Ágnes Herczku.

Tickets go on general sale 17 March at 10am.